Resources - Sales Terms and Conditions

Before we can do business, we will ask you to agree to these sales terms and conditions.

The following terms and conditions form an integral part of all sales proposals including proposed tasks presented by Access2online or their holding company Bizware Online Applications, Inc. In cases where our proposal or proposed task expands or conflicts with these standard terms and conditions, the proposal or task prevails.

  1. Restricted Data

    Our accessibility services are offered only for web pages and PDF documents available to the public. Although we will try to catch web pages and PDF documents containing sensitive or confidential information so that we can decline to work on them, it is your responsibility to make sure you provide only public information to us. We are happy to use passwords to access web pages displaying database records, for example, but you must provide sample database records that do not display actual data. We do not sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. We do not want to know your secrets, and we will not safeguard them.
  2. Data Rights

    We retain all rights and responsibilities to any and all software we develop as part of eTaskBoard. Your usage of eTaskBoard is on a subscription basis. You retain all rights and responsibilities regarding the online data content of your Access2online account, including task deliverables. We will not share web page(s) or PDF documents you provide to us, your contact information, nor our work deliverables to you, with anyone else without your permission. You affirm that you have the right (copyright, trademark, etc.) to the web pages and/or PDF documents you submit to Access2online for analysis and changes.
  3. Expiration

    All offers of pricing and performance expire within two weeks of the date the offer is made unless accepted by you or extended in writing by us.
  4. Interpretation

    If any portion of the requirements of your task or contract become open to interpretation, we are free to use our interpretation as long as we can show that interpretation fulfills our written task description or proposal. If you would like a particular interpretation, it is your responsibility to insure that we state your interpretation as part of our task description or written proposal.
  5. Legal Action

    If any legal action or proceeding is brought by either party to enforce any part of our contract, the prevailing party shall recover, in addition to all other relief, reasonable attorney's fees and costs. The venue for all legal action is the nearest court of jurisdiction to San Clemente, California.
  6. Late Payments

    Payments are due at the time of service delivery. If payments are deferred, they are due within 2 weeks of receipt of our associated invoice. Payments received beyond their due dates accumulate a late fee of 10% of the outstanding balance at the end of each and every month they are late.
  7. Relationship

    Your relationship to Access2online is one of a task-based contracting customer. Regardless of the type of services performed nor the length of time performed, we do not become your employee nor do you become our employer.
  8. Termination

    Given that we have an at-will, task-to-task relationship, either party may unilaterally terminate the relationship by refusing to propose or accept future tasks.